Friday, October 23, 2015

Ghosts by the Comateens

Ghosts DC Comics

In addition to digging up music, one of my other favorite things is coming up with images to use for all my posts. This was was pretty exciting. Apparently there was a long running DC comic called Ghosts that published at least 150 issues. This is one of the better covers I found. I like how one of hte Ghosts is terrorizing the boy but the other Ghosts are apparently just calmly riding a ghost train.

The Track is one I've never posted, by the Comateens the Vibe is more scary then the lyrics are. The song is mostly focused on a relationship or something, but he says the word Ghosts and I think you'll agree if you listen to it, it wouldn't feel out of place in any Halloween playlist.

The Comateens - Ghosts

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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